Information on Young Drivers in Augusta, GA
Is your son or daughter reaching the driving age? Check out some of the best ways to save on your auto insurance.
Are you adding on your child to your auto insurance plan? One of the best ways to save money is to provide your auto insurance agent with your student’s report card. Grades of B and above can greatly decrease your rates.
The second biggest auto insurance discount that you can earn is by having your child complete a driver’s course. This will not only bring parents peace of mind with the new driver out on the road, it can reduce your auto insurance rates.
The first year of having your license is an important one. Any violation, such as speeding, or accidents, can lead to harsher punishments. Some states will suspend their license, which will negatively impact the auto insurance rates.
Also, be mindful that driving with non-family members in the vehicle after the designated hours (TARDA Act) can result in license suspension.
Once a suspension is on their driving record auto rates will double or triple.
Click here for more information on Georgia's Young Driver Laws and the TARDA Act
By driving a safe car, you can save money on your auto insurance rates. Stay away from sports car, high performance cars, luxury cars, SUV’s, and bright colors, such as red. Choose cars that are known for safety and come with many safety features such as airbags.
Volunteering can also show insurance providers that you have a strong sense of community and can encourage them to lower your auto insurance rates.
Are you adding on your child to your auto insurance plan? One of the best ways to save money is to provide your auto insurance agent with your student’s report card. Grades of B and above can greatly decrease your rates.
The second biggest auto insurance discount that you can earn is by having your child complete a driver’s course. This will not only bring parents peace of mind with the new driver out on the road, it can reduce your auto insurance rates.
The first year of having your license is an important one. Any violation, such as speeding, or accidents, can lead to harsher punishments. Some states will suspend their license, which will negatively impact the auto insurance rates.
Also, be mindful that driving with non-family members in the vehicle after the designated hours (TARDA Act) can result in license suspension.
Once a suspension is on their driving record auto rates will double or triple.
Click here for more information on Georgia's Young Driver Laws and the TARDA Act
By driving a safe car, you can save money on your auto insurance rates. Stay away from sports car, high performance cars, luxury cars, SUV’s, and bright colors, such as red. Choose cars that are known for safety and come with many safety features such as airbags.
Volunteering can also show insurance providers that you have a strong sense of community and can encourage them to lower your auto insurance rates.